Lisa MacInnes
The President maintains communication between school administration and the Executive Board. President runs both Executive and General PTO meetings. They also oversee all fundraising and events with the Vice Presidents.
Vice Presidents
Morgan Malast, Tiffany Murphy
Vice presidents play a role in day-to-day operations of the PTO, help formulate the group’s long-range plan, work out issues as they arise, and participate in executive board discussions and decision making. They also oversee fundraising and events with the President.
Jenn Caswell, Christine Ferreira, Cristen Zukowski
The most important duty of the treasurers is to be good custodians of the PTO’s money. The treasurers will oversee all funds, maintain necessary bank accounts and paperwork.
Recording Secretaries
Lauren Maccaquano, Cassandra Socha
Recording secretaries focus on compiling, organizing, and sharing meeting minutes and agendas.
Communication Webmasters
Devon Purdom, Noelle Reeves, Marianna Rutzler
Communication Webmasters are responsible for updating and maintaining Cedar Grove PTO website, calendar of events and social media pages. They also create volunteer sign ups, online sales and event flyers.
T.E.A.M. Liaisons
Leilani Miraglia, Jackie DeMaio
TEAM Liaisons will maintain communication with the T.E.A.M. coordinator (Joanne D’Amico) and T.E.A.M. student liaison to arrange for their assistance at functions as needed.